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Do not denounce other people's work
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The story of an old battery, which no longer can be used, is wasted in the shed, and people call it junk. One day there came a huge generator entrance to the barn too, because my dream in this country, there was a conversation as follows:
G: Genset (Powerful but arrogant)
B: Battery (1.5 volt battery used)
B: Good morning, it looks like you're new here
G: Yeah, I just bought the same when my master, but why put with these second-hand goods, too .......
B: I've not used anymore, so now to be here, do you suffer the same fate??
M: Well clearly not, I just used one time, before getting here I've been given power after lights off, because my whole house happy, lights can be lit, the TV can be on, should I not here.
B: Oh, so yeah ... kirain thrift also
G: It is not, I do not samain same trash like you, my big, strong and useful for many people, if you definitely can not, turn on the lights aja impossible, you're not handy, even before the debris tetep not so useful.
B: But today we have the same in this place, the same is not used anyway, if I'm not useless, you are also useless.
G: Do samain me with trash like you, a time when I would have been using that light off.
B: said to myself (it too) "Rhoma Irama"
G: you're not handy, even turning on the lights even can not, you it's really not any good, if weve there trying to tell me?
B: Approximately 6 months before I was here, my master bought me from the grocery store, then put me on the wall at home.
They say "time is money", and I turn the marker of time to let them know the time, and did not lose money.I just can not turn on the lights, I'm small but I was able to work for months, whereas you only used briefly. If we are strong but not used, that is what deserves to be called useless stuff.


Kisah sebuah baterai bekas, yang tak lagi bisa dipakai, yang terbuang di dalam gudang, dan orang menyebutnya barang rongsokan. Suatu hari datanglah sebuah genset yang besar masuk ke gudang juga, karena ini di negeri mimpi saya , terjadilah percakapan sebagai berikut:

G : Genset (Kuat tapi sombong)

B: Baterai (Baterai 1.5 volt bekas)

B: Selamat pagi, sepertinya anda baru di sini

G: Iya, padahal saya baru dibeli sama tuan saya, tetapi kok ditempatkan bersama barang-barang bekas ini, terlalu…….

B: Saya sudah tidak dipakai lagi, jadi sekarang berada di sini, apakah anda bernasib sama??

G: Ya jelas bukanlah, saya baru dipakai satu kali, sebelum masuk sini saya sudah memberi tenaga setelah mati lampu, karena saya, seisi rumah bahagia, lampu bisa menyala, TV bisa menyala, seharusnya saya gak di sini.

B: Oh begitu ya… kirain barang bekas juga

G: Bukanlah, jangan samain saya sama sampah seperti kamu, saya besar, kuat dan bermanfaat bagi orang banyak, kalo kamu pasti gak bisa, menyalakan satu lampu aja mustahil, kamu gak berguna, bahkan sebelum jadi rongsokan tetep gak berguna.

B: Tapi hari ini kita sama-sama di tempat ini, sama-sama tidak digunakan pula, bila saya tidak berguna, berarti anda juga tidak berguna.

G: Jangan samain saya dengan sampah seperti kamu, suatu saat kalau mati lampu saya pasti dipake.

B: berkata dalam hati( sungguh terlalu) "Rhoma Irama"

G: kamu gak berguna, bahkan menyalakan satu lampu pun gak bisa, kamu bener-bener gak ada gunanya, kalo emang ada coba beritahu saya?

B: Sekitar 6 bulan sebelum saya berada di sini, tuan saya membeli saya dari toko kelontong, lalu menaruh saya di jam dinding rumah.
     Kata mereka “waktu adalah uang”, dan aku putar penanda waktu agar mereka tahu waktu, dan tak kehilangan uangnya.
Aku memang tak bisa menyalakan lampu, Aku memang kecil tapi aku sanggup bekerja berbulan-bulan lamanya, sedangkan dirimu hanya dipakai sebentar saja. Kalau kuat tapi tidak dipakai, itulah yang pantas disebut sebagai barang tak berguna.

The Story of an old Battery, Which no longer can be used

Monday 11 February 2013
Posted by Situbondo


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